Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Airfix Spitfire Mk Vc (on the workbench)
This is my new Spitfire project. The kit is the Arfix with new scribed panel lines on the wings, the fuselaje is the old one. The general shape looks very good as a Spitfire Mk Vc. I love old Airfix Spitfires.

Gral. building is finished. It took a lot of job, specially the underside fuselage on the joint with the wings. I used cyanoacrilate to fill the gaps and a lot of sanding was needed. To avoid the gaps on the join of the uper parts of the wings with the fuselage, I glued them first and then I glued the downpart of the wings. I´m satisfied with the result. it worked well, no gaps are visible.
I replaced the kit´s seat with a resin one from Ultracast. The backseat armour was made from scartch. I didn´t use the cannon barrels from the kit, I found a  resin pair of the old Occidental Mk IXc kit in my sapre box, they look more real. The wing is the typical C configutarion with the cannon inboard.
I cut the fuselage to place the door in the open postion and sanded the navigation light on the spin and made a little hole to place a clear plastic position light.

I´m in doubt if the spinner and propeller (De Havilland) that I used are the correct, in the picture it seems that the propeller is a Rotol propeller and the spinner is more pointy.

I´ll go with a RAAF 79 Sqn Spit, October 1944, using the kit decal set.
I satrted with the new scheme, painting is finished. For the upersides I used Umbrol 149; Humbrol 34 for the tail, horizontal stabilizers, cone of the propeller and leding edges of the wings; and for the undersides a mixture of Azurre Blue and White (80%-20%).
When all well dried I satrted with the coats of Future.
Here some pics.

After severall coats of Future I started the decalling process. The decals are from the kit and gave me some trouble to avoid silvering but to solve that I applied the decals over a coat of wet Future instead of wáter and that was the solution, the only thing to take care with this is that you have to work very quickly because the Future dries fast.
Decaling and weathering finished.


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